Friday, March 31, 2006

Dylan's Progress Report

1fish1He's currently 2 years and 7 months old.

He has mastered:

  1. 6-pc Jigsaw
  2. Toilet routines
  3. Computer Mouse: point and click
  4. Drawing faces
  5. Naming animals starting with the letter A to Z. (I = Iguana; U = umbrella bird, unicorn; X = X-ray fish)

1solar_index_mainCurrent pre-occupation:

  1. Pirating (I got him pirate paraphernalia: hook, treasure coins, telescope, eyepatch, sword)
  2. Treasure and/or Hunting (I got him a pair of binoculars)
  3. Imaginary Painting of Walls using the Pastry Brush (aftermath of the repairman's visit)
  4. 25-pc Jigsaw
  5. Fishing (fishpole with magnet, fishes with paperclips)
  6. The Planets of the Solar System, Galaxies et al. (he can name the planets, mind you)

I am teaching him how to:

  1. Button Up
  2. Properly identify: Paper, Metal and Plastic (aftermath of Blues Clues Recycle episode)

He still refuses to use cutlery and constantly has to sleep with that stiff battery operated rabbit that twitch its nose and goes "ribbit-ribbit" (which he feeds with a toy carrot).

that is all.

(Originally written February 13, 2006)

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